Hunters Ridge Legacy HOA
Annual Meeting
Meeting called to order at 10:00 AM on Nov 14th, 2015
Executive Board in Attendance
Jim Georgia - President
Willie Wirth - Vice President
Bill Feichel - ARB/Financial
Ken Braginton - Secretary
Jeff Wilt - Alt. / IT Manager (excused)
President’s Remarks
There are three positions on the board that are up for election: Jeff Wilt, Bill Feichel, and Ken Braginton. The election will be held at the end of the current meeting.
The gate problem is all but dead. We have received no help from the county, but will continue to do whatever can be done. We have a faint hope that when our new representative is up to speed, we will get something going.
A question of installing speed bumps in the area of the gate was voted down. In the meantime call Janet Carter of the county council for help.
No serious problems have risen this year, but we will have to do some maintenance in the area.
All OK.
All OK except for nine homeowners who have not paid their dues.
Homeowners Forum
Several homeowners complained about cars speeding on our roads. Although we would like to have police present in our development, our roads are private and not under police supervision.
A homeowner said that the island foliage blocks the view of drivers. The board will look into trimming the plants on the islands.
Several homeowners asked if we could do something about the parents who are waiting in their cars for their children and blocking our roads. The board responded that we have put up signs and asked drivers to move. We have not made any progress except to have to recommend that the parents should wash out their mouths with soap when they get home. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
A homeowner complained about the dumping of yard waste on undeveloped properties. Letter will be sent to homeowners if someone can tell the board who is doing the dumping.
A homeowner needs help with continual flooding on their property. The county informs us that a swale should be dug between home sites.
Board Election
The new board members have been elected and the members are:
Jim Georgia
Willie Wirth
Bill Feichel
Debbie Tompkins
Eugene Ostro
Meeting was adjourned
Next meetings will be on January 12th, March 8th, May 10th, July 12th, and September 13th at the Holy Lamb Lutheran Church on Forestbrook Rd at 5:30 PM.
Next annual meeting will be on November 12th at 10:00 AM.